It’s official, I am now the mother of a toddler! What an absolutely wild year it’s been. Dylan turned one two-weeks ago and I’m hesitant to say it, but I feel like things have suddenly got a little easier in the parenting department?! He has become such a little boy now and his personality is becoming more adventurous (and defiant) by the day. I think I’m even seeing the beginnings of the dreaded toddler tantrums. There have been several occasions this week, where he utterly protests to the point of going bright red in the face if he doesn’t get what he wants. Like when he’s not allowed to chew electrical wires, or stick his hand in the toilet brush holder for example!

Truthfully though, I feel as if parenting has become a more enjoyable experience the older and more developed he has become. We even went for a lovely family stroll to our local pub for a pint and nibbles at the weekend! He’s not quite walking independently yet but he is happily cruising around furniture and just this weekend managed to climb up onto the couch by balancing on two foot stools! He happily feeds himself with his baby cutlery now, yes at least 50% still ends up on the floor and up the walls but it’s definitely progress. In a way it’s also a little heartbreaking as it signifies the beginning of the end. He still likes the occasional helping hand from mummy when he is eating but I know that all too soon he will only want to feed himself. Next thing you know he’ll be dressing himself, doing his homework and then POOF , he’ll be moving out …. Ok I’m getting ahead of myself a bit… but still, it’s funny because that first year of their lives they are so totally and utterly dependent on you for everything. Then they turn one and it feels like this massive milestone has been accomplished! Which it has of course and although it’s wonderful seeing him grow and develop, it’s also a little bit sad knowing with each passing day he will need me a little bit less. No longer a baby but a toddler in the house!

We didn’t have a party for him this year. To be honest I didn’t really see the point in one. Both me and my partner’s families live in other countries and really I think if we did anything, it would have just been a family affair. What we did do however was a DIY cake-smash photoshoot at home! I ordered some decor off Amazon, hung a large white sheet over an IKEA clothes rail we already had and used some props from around the house to create the perfect backdrop. You can get all the details you need to recreate your own DIY cake smash here!

I spent Dylan’s last night as a baby (sob) sitting in the rocking chair in his room, cradling him in my arms just staring at him while gently stroking his cheek. He still loves being cuddled to sleep and despite being told “It’s a bad habit” and “you’ll have him ruined” , you know what? I love it too. So while it’s sad saying goodbye to the little baby days, it’s also very exciting. With his growing independence I also feel like I’ve got another part of me back too. Or perhaps it’s actually my perception of what a good day is that has changed? I’ve definitely learned to roll with the punches a bit better that’s for sure. I know it won’t be all sunshine and rainbows forever but for now life feels good and I’m here for it. Tune in next week when I’ll be having a meltdown because he won’t put his nappy on! Just kidding…I think.
Thanks for reading!
Jess x
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